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ALBUM REVIEW: ThrOes' 'This Viper Womb'

Review by Faye Coulman

This complex and meticulous melding of turbulent, ceaselessly churning groove, lacerating technical detail and gargling bile is no easily definable, nor instantly digestible proposition. Through relentlessly sustained lines of echoing distortion and coldly hypnotic, knife-edged symmetries drenched in frontman Trent Griggs’ wondrously acerbic screams, these compositions demand more than a casual listen to properly process and unravel the mind-boggling complexities contained within.

With its densely muscular contortions and inky whorls of distortion finding a striking contrast alongside a tastefully restrained smattering of glimmering melodic trappings, ‘Nowhere Else’ displays particularly seamless manipulation of its many and varied dynamics. Spanning elements as diverse as sinewy bass groove, raggedly abrasive tremolo and scalpel-fine technical flourishes, ‘Dead Lights’ audibly bristles with aggression while atmospheric opener ‘Permanent Midnight’ floods the senses with a teasingly suspenseful and thought-provoking sound bite.

But while the album’s more leisurely paced numbers take ample time to work their slow-burning, hypnotic magic on the listener, it’s epic title track ‘This Viper Womb’ that displays unprecedented levels of energised intensity. Interspersing its densely muscular core with explosive blasts of gargling bile and frenetic flurries of luxuriant organ notes, the ripping urgency and atmospheric depth displayed here in spades makes for instantaneously arresting listening. With curiously hypnotic character and technical ingenuity in equal measure, ‘This Viper Womb’ is as impeccably crafted as it is rich in genre-transcending originality.

This Viper Womb’ is out now on Aesthetic Death records

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